About Me.

I have created this space as an outlet for all things I love. To share the words behind my favourite moments captured on camera inspired by design, style and interiors. A place to express my accumulated thoughts, feelings and inspiration kept away amongst many years worth of journals, mood boards and ‘dear future me’ letters.

I am a creative and a lover of all things visual. I work in fashion & interiors and create content on the side. In my spare time, I am a keen reader, a homeware store browser and am always on the hunt for the next best coffee close to home in Auckland, New Zealand. Simply put, I am an introverted extrovert.

​My highly strung and overactive mind has used writing as an outlet to be vulnerable, to release emotions and voice passion. My form of escape from reality - a time for me to switch off and clear out the often overwhelming thoughts.

Expect all things wellness, fashion, travel and lifestyle as I share hotspots, latest trends and get the inside scoop from some of the industry’s most influential women.

 Let’s Chat.

  • 027 947 9510


  • For commercial queries and social media sponsorships please contact hello@cloudiagency.com.

    For content creation enquiries, rates, event invitations and press samples please email me at sophderenzy@gmail.com.