The Powerful Women Project, Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy The Powerful Women Project, Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

In Conversation with Cassandra Grodd | The Powerful Women Project.

E4. The Powerful Women Project, Cassandra Grodd.

I sat down this week with my absolute angel of a friend, Cass, to chat all things business and lifestyle. Cass is the Powerhouse creative behind ‘Cassandra Grodd’, a personal brand that includes her podcast ‘Sass with Cass’ and two booming Instagram pages with a combined total following of over 31,000. Author of two best-selling books, Bully and Darling.

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The Powerful Women Project, Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy The Powerful Women Project, Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

Mindfulness with Courtney Handley | The Powerful Women Project.

E3. The Powerful Women Project, Courtney Handley.

My beautiful friend Courtney is my third guest on The Powerful Women Project. She speaks openly about mental health and her personal struggles. The good, the bad and the ugly that is so often left unspoken. Courtney is an inspiring example to so many young people and the voice we all need.

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Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

Our Top 5 Favourite Podcasts Right Now.

Whether you’re looking for a way to brush up on some history while on the go, want to open your perspective on the world around you, or just want a little extra company throughout your day, there’s absolutely a podcast out there that’s right for you. Probably more than one. I’ve been mapping the best of the best, across a multitude of niches, for the latest top 5 roundup, with some brand-new gems and true staples for good measure.

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Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

Manifestation Techniques.

Three of the most powerful law of attraction techniques to manifest your year. Manifestation is at the heart of the Law of Attraction. I believe that we receive what we put out into the universe. We should manifest our goals, big or small, practical or impractical. Anything and everything we wish to make our own.

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Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

Your Guide To An Organised Life.

Ever since I can remember, I have been a minimalist and organisation addict. There are so many incredible advantages of having a clear and systematic routine, including stress-relief which was a major component for me personally. Being someone who thrives on a routine and keeping busy, the feeling of being cluttered and without a plan is something I struggle with.

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Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy Lifestyle Sophie de Renzy

Overcoming Binge Eating and Body Dysmorphia.

Join me on my journey to overcoming Binge Eating & Body Dysmorphia. Disordered eating is so often misunderstood, stigmatised, or simply not talked about. Never did I think I would be one to suffer from an eating disorder or struggle with my mental health. As far as I was aware, that simply would just never happen to me. Well I was wrong, so very wrong.

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