Manifestation Techniques.

Three of the most powerful law of attraction techniques to manifest your year…

Manifestation is at the heart of the Law of Attraction. I believe that we receive what we put out into the universe. We should manifest our goals, big or small, practical or impractical. Anything and everything we wish to make our own.

Based on the Law of Attraction, you attract into your reality everything that you give thought to. In other words, like attracts like. If you nurture positive thoughts about a certain subject, feel good, and have strong positive emotions about it, then you will attract more of that. If, on the opposite, you nurture strong negative thoughts about something, then you will attract more of that. Your attention to something includes that something in your reality. Whether it be something positive or negative.

And the best part? It works every time.

The Law of Attraction is a universal Law and it operates all the time whether you are aware of it or not. Whether you believe in it or not.

3 Manifestation Techniques I Live By

1. Scripting.

Scripting is an advanced Law of Attraction technique that tricks your mind into thinking that what you currently wish for has already happened.

Put simply, scripting is a technique where you describe in writing your life as if you already had what you wish to manifest.

Do you want a new job? Describe how your first day at that particular job feels like.

Do you want to manifest a six-figure salary? Describe how it feels to be making six-figures. What are you doing with all that money?

Do you want to manifest your soul-mate? Describe what life with them looks like.

When scripting, use the present tense as much as possible. The more detail you can write down, the more powerful your manifestation will be.

Once you have finished scripting, put your paper away and come back to read it once you have manifested your desire.

You will be amazed by how much of what you've scripted actually came to life!

2. Vision Board.

A vision board is a crux in the art of manifesting.

This is a great place to begin your manifestation practice as it will help you to hone in on what the big picture looks like.

Vision boards are like scrapbooks. They contain words and images that carry the energies and values you wish to experience in your life.

I personally create a vision board at the end of each year for all I hope to manifest into the new year and reflect upon the previous. When doing so, I take a few moments to mindfully reflect upon what it is I long to experience in this life. Consider the place you long to call home, the people you wish to have in your life, and the activities you wish to pursue.

3. Gratitude Journaling.

Gratitude is all about being grateful for the present moment.

It’s not just about the thoughts you have, but also the emotion you release too. When done right, sending out feelings of gratitude can cause a massive shift in your vibrational energy.

When you feel grateful, the universe responds by giving you more things to appreciate. This is how the Law of Attraction works. The feeling of gratitude attracts more reasons to be grateful.

Write on paper each morning 3-5 things you are grateful for. Not only are you attracting more reasons to be grateful, you are increasing positivity, self-esteem, and reducing stress.

Each of these manifestation techniques carries its own significant values, but one thing remains the same… Your intention. Your intention will always be the most important factor when it comes to manifestation.


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