Words To Heal You with Founder Brooklyn Opetaia | The Powerful Women Project.

E5. The Powerful Women Project, Brooklyn Opetaia.

@wordstohealyou | ‘A virtual safe space’ as Founder @brooklynopetaia describes. A place I’m sure we all know and love.

I discovered Words To Heal You when I needed it most, since then I have fallen in love with her poetry and presence on social media. Brooklyn’s vision and hope of creating deeper conversations amongst a generation that she has proved no longer need to suffer in their own minds is truly moving.

In this interview, Brooklyn and I touch on her personal life and of course the foundation of Words To Heal You. Her success at only 21 years old is unmatched…

How did Words To Heal You become?

I began Words To Heal You coming out of lockdown in 2021, I formed it with no solid vision. Just a place to store up the words I write and to hopefully help someone through relating to them and being human. A solid vision, ethos, and brand was formed quickly after I realised perhaps it wasn't going to be a small place for very long!

Have you always dreamt of being a writer?

I have always dreamt of being a creative. From just a child. I didn’t quite know that my creativity would be expressed through writing, but I am not surprised. Words have always been my favourite thing. I have always been excited to write, learn, utilise empathy and understand people, which are all characteristics of a writer.

Where do you find your inspiration to write?

Really, just people. From people I know, people I trust, to people I don’t know who are walking down the street. I see every person as a story. I see every person as a walking, breathing opportunity to influence positively. There are no boundaries to humanity, so I feel thrilled at the idea of making humanity a better place. I feel so inspired by people’s reality. Knowing that we’re all going through a lot, yet here we are together getting through it. (If that makes sense… my mind is abstract sometimes haha).

What does a day in the life look like for you?

Every day looks super different! By day, I’m still working part-time in my creative design and social media job at my church (which I love so much). When I clock off from there at 5pm, I clock on to WTHY work. Most nights of the week I will spend a couple of hours packing orders and/or writing and spending some time in my head alone with my words. Other rituals that I make sure happen daily: Put on a good outfit. Skincare. Read. See multiple friends, daily (I’m a raging extrovert). Spend time with my fiancé. Days off look different, but day to day it's basically: CREATE CREATE CREATE.

If you had to choose, what would be your top three most meaningful pieces of poetry that you have shared?

The answer to this would change weekly, depending on the season I’m in… But right now I think that these words sit close to home:

“When all is said and done, all that will matter is the way you loved people. Don’t get caught up in the busyness of this world that you forget the most important thing.”

My “tips for over thinkers, from an over thinker” (go find it and read it, it is good).

Personally, I love when it comes around to big days like Valentine's Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc, and getting to write to people on those days to hopefully ease minds that potentially feel a little bit frantic on those days.

Where do you hope to see yourself in five years time?

I really want to take WTHY international. Right now I am so grateful for the impact it has had in New Zealand and Australia, and next, I want to see hoodies being worn in hundreds of countries and have billboards for people in every continent. For my own life (outside of my business) I’m really looking forward to getting married and starting a life with my fiancé! We can’t wait to take on the world together.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to write and share poetry?

Your mind is absolutely your biggest challenge. Your mind will convince you that people don’t want to hear what you have to say… that people are judging you or that your words aren’t good enough. But in reality, that's just your anxiety lying to you. Your mind is a creative and special place. Train it and invest in it so that your mind is a safe place for you, not a place that is tearing you down. And then, WRITE. Every day! I have had a reminder in my phone for 3 years that goes off at 12pm every day “write a poem”. Just train your brain to have to come up with new poems daily. Even if they suck, it’s good for you!

What do you do to relax?

Spend time with my friends. Seriously. My circle is a really healthy and safe place for me. It resets me and refreshes me being around them. Collectively we love going to the gym and sauna. In summer you’ll find us at the beach 5 days of the week and in the water almost every night. We love travelling (in or outside of NZ). I also try to read a book a week, I find this keeps my mind sharp and ready to write more. The more I immerse myself in literature, the better I am going to be!

What was the last book you read?

I recently finished “Reminders of Him” by Colleen Hoover. It was a fabulous read, I think I’ve read all of her books now…

Who inspires you?

Oh without thought, God. Really, seriously, I feel so inspired by the Bible and its creativity and message. I feel inspired greatly by strong, fierce, overcoming women. Like my nana and my mum. They taught me that a woman is capable of quite literally anything. I am inspired by a better future for humanity and for our children and our children’s children.


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