In Conversation with Cassandra Grodd | The Powerful Women Project.
E4. The Powerful Women Project, Cassandra Grodd.
The fourth instalment of The Powerful Women Project features best-selling author, @cassandragrodd.
I sat down this week with my absolute angel of a friend, Cass, to chat all things business and lifestyle.
Cass is the Powerhouse creative behind ‘Cassandra Grodd’, a personal brand that includes her podcast ‘Sass with Cass’ and two booming Instagram pages with a combined total following of over 31,000. Author of two best-selling books, Bully and Darling. Bully was placed 4th on Amazon’s Best Sellers in 2018 and 2nd in Best-Sellers in Mental Health.
Cass is an iconic name in New Zealand, her radiant energy is contagious and her success is hard to miss. At the tender age of 25, she is paving the way for young women in this country…
At what point did you realise you wanted to pursue writing seriously?
There wasn’t any one moment, rather just my ongoing pursuit and commitment to the creation of magic - magic to me means doing and being what I love. Writing is part of my magic. It sort of feels like tiny moments and actions that have stacked up and lead to this. It feels like less of a ‘point’ but rather breadcrumbs I followed that lead me here very gradually. I’m not serious really about anything, but I’m always passionate.
Tell us about your podcast, where did the idea spur from and where do you want to take it?
I felt an incredible gap between who I was on social media/who I was perceived to be compared to who I was. It became more obvious and essential to communicate my thoughts, ideas and opinions in a way I couldn’t do on Instagram. In the past I would post ‘talking stories’ discussing ideas that would garner thousands of messages and views. The podcast was an easier way of doing those without a 15 second time restriction. It just made sense. It allowed me
to share a more complete picture of who I am as well as to share topics and people that interest me with the audience. I’d love to grow it to the point where I could have bigger and bigger guests, if you know me you know that I always shoot for the moon so I would love to end up being able to interview celebrities or leaders in their field. I’d also love to eventually do a podcast tour!
Who inspires you?
My best friends. Every close friend I have is better at something than I am and I love it, they make me feel dumb! In the best way!! I love not being the smartest person in the room. They teach me so much about their chosen fields and I love supporting them like they support me. Everyone in my circle is a fucking badass.
How do you manage your work-life balance. Especially as both an employee and entrepreneur?
Sacrifice. That’s the cold hard truth. I’ve never met a successful person that didn’t sacrifice something, you can’t have all your balls in the air at once. Recently I woke up at 5am to work on my book proposal for publishing before work, I’d sit and watch the sun come up and type non stop for 2 hours. Then it would be straight to work for the day, home for some dinner or a quick workout and another night session writing or lining up a podcast. I did that for around 2-3 months until I handed it in. I always say to myself I have ‘buckets’, eg. a fun bucket, work bucket, social media bucket, exercise bucket, social life bucket, romantic life bucket, family bucket etc and I’ll say “okay I’ve got a lot of projects this month, I’m focusing on this bucket and that bucket, I’m aware I will have to sacrifice bucket ____”. Then the next month I’ll give more time to the bucket I was sacrificing to make my goals happen. At different points different buckets take priority - you can’t have all of them full all the time. You’ll end up exhausted. It’s about consciously pouring your energy into the right things.
What has been your greatest challenge and greatest reward in your professional career?
My greatest challenge has been the last two years, I’ve felt very uninspired which I try not to blame on the pandemic but it has been hard to self motivate. I share that as I think creatives often feel shame around admitting they aren’t always in their flow, sometimes you just aren’t! It’s been hard.
There have been many rewards like landing on the best sellers lists, my sold out book tour or charting on the Apple Top Podcasts. However the greatest reward is the conversations and connections I’ve made with readers and followers over the years. There is no greater feeling than hearing how you have helped someone even if it was in the smallest of ways. Every time someone tells me they enjoyed my book or my content it warms my soul.
What was the last book you read?
Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov.
What is a mantra you live by?
More is more.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to a young woman just starting out in her career?
Don’t take no for an answer. Push and if every single person tells you no then do it yourself. You are capable of everything, they will doubt you at first and within a few years be eating out of the palm of your hand. Set your goal and prove everyone wrong.
Where do you hope to see yourself in five years time?
Wherever it is, the only thing I can tell you is that it will be goddamn beautiful.
What should we expect to see from you next - another book on the horizon?
Expect something you could never see coming, expect another book, more content, great podcasts guests, expect trouble, and most of all expect magic.