Your Guide To An Organised Life.

‘A good system shortens the road to the goal’ - Orison Swett Marden

Ever since I can remember, I have been a minimalist and organisation addict. There are so many incredible advantages of having a clear and systematic routine, including stress-relief which was a major component for me personally. Being someone who thrives on a routine and keeping busy, the feeling of being cluttered and without a plan is something I struggle with.

As our ‘normal lives’ start to reappear after being forced to take a step back over the last few weeks, we now begin to reset our routines and reality hits again. For most this is a great feeling and for some, it can be overwhelming.

Here are my top ten habits to sustain an organised life…

1. Create And Utilise A Daily To-Do List.

My top way to organise my life is to create and utilise a daily to-do list. Jot down every single thing you need to do and prioritise your workload in a methodical way. This allows you to put everything into perspective, immediately reducing your stress levels and giving you a structured way to get through your workload. Who doesn’t love the satisfying feeling of ticking off each task throughout the day too! I use the app 'Notion' to plan my daily to-do list (an absolute lifesaver).

2. Prioritise.

Another effective way to live an organised life is by prioritising. What needs to be done. And...what do you want to get done? – these two things are very different. My top tip is to prioritise your to-do list every day with a system that works for you – maybe it’s colour coding or it could be utilising symbols. Define your most important tasks and focus on these first, while your brain is feeling fresh. You can use this system for your home, workspace or personal goals. Prioritising is effective for organising all facets of your life.

3. Get Your Outfit Ready The Night Before.

It may sound silly but planning your outfit the night before will save you a lot of stress & time. Check the weather for the following day and plan out your looks around the temperature, your schedule, events etc so that you feel comfortable and confident each day. Every evening during the week get your outfit out, make sure it's ready to go at the front of your wardrobe. It will make your morning routine a lot faster!

4. Create a Sunday Routine.

Preparation is key to getting your mind in the right headspace to tackle the week ahead. Set aside 10 minutes to sit down with your diary & look over your schedule for the week on a Sunday.

  • What nights will you not be home for dinner?

  • What days do you need to pack your gym gear?

  • Do you have any pre-work coffees & need to set an earlier alarm on that day?

  • Are there any important meetings booked that you need to plan an outfit for?

Once you're feeling confident with your schedule for the week - take the time to write a big to-do list for your Monday and set any alarms or reminders you need to on your phone.

Sunday's are also a good time to plan your meals and your outfits! All it takes is 15-30 minutes of prep.

5. Give Everything A Place.

There is nothing worse than starting your day in a chaotic, messy space. Everything needs a home, and a clean space = a clear mind. From storage cabinets to folders - find functional storage solutions that fit your personal style and utilise these to your advantage.

6. Declutter Regularly.

Find time each week to organise and keep your space minimal. Clean out your wardrobe, tidy the kitchen, clear out your fridge when needed. Find time every week or more to organise and avoid the tasks piling up causing unneeded stress.

7. Keep Only What You Need.

More stuff means more clutter. People who live organised lives only keep what they need and what they really really want. Having fewer items also means that you enjoy those things more and feel better about using everything you own, rather than letting the other half collect dust. Ask yourself if you have worn this in the last year? Have you used this in the last year? Do you really need multiple items of the same thing? If you have answered no to these questions, that is your sign that it needs to go.

8. Allow Enough Time.

Make sure you are realistic with your time - this is one of the easiest ways to organise your life. Overestimate, rather than under estimate and be strict on yourself.

9. Create A Routine.

Decide what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? Prioritising what is important to you before starting is key! Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals. While a big goal is exciting to tackle, it is what often leads to failure as we take on too much. If your overall goal is to eat healthier meals, start by changing one thing a day, every day. Layout a plan. Start with one week at a time and start small – that way you can build on simple accomplishments. Write it all out on a calendar, almost like an appointment. Stay consistent with time and always be prepared!

10. Take It One Step At A Time.

Take organising projects one step at time instead of expecting an overnight transformation. It can take months to sustain a routine so be kind to yourself and take it day by day.


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